There have been thousands of apps created. What Apps are useful that can enhance our lives and not just waste your time. I suppose it comes down to personal preference. I have listed the top 10 App’s I use on daily or weekly basis on my smart device or computer.
What’s your favorite APP?
A great place to check upon your latest stocks to WILL them to go up, CRY when they go down or just PONDER if you made the right decision.
If you’re someone who doesn’t like to ask directions or driving in a questionable part of town with the windows up and doors locked, look no further. This app will take you around the perils of traffic jams or deliver you to your meeting place on the nick of time. If you want some further abuse from an inanimate object, use the British Voice Guidance and she will tell you when to ‘piss off’ like a true Brit from across the pond (Top Gear Style).
Ever wonder what song that was on the radio, playing on a loop at the restaurant or when stuck listening to melodramatic saxophone as a passanger on an elevator, Shazam will tell you. It even gives you lyrics for your karaoke session later tonight. You can even find out “because i’m happy” which songs need to go in that eternal vault you want to throw the key away for.
My latest streaming music APP. I used to be solely a Pandora user but have now found Spotify. This is the next generation of music streaming app’s which allow you to search by song title, artist, or genre and then lets you play the song over and over until you “were not going to take it” anymore”. It’s a good place for “electric avenue”.
We all want great abs right! Here is an app which does what it states, maps your ride. It’s a great place to keep track of all the miles you wasted away while running on the treadmill last year. There are even ways to tell the world through facebook and twitter how fast, long (don’t go there!) or how many calories you burned while running or biking. But who wants to brag! The 7 minute workout is fairly new to me, however it really gets your heart pumping if you can’t get to the gym. All you need is a chair and a wall.
For those of us who want to confirm that it’s never going to rain again in the Phoenix area. It is also good at reminding us when its the perfect time to fry the egg on the sidewalk while in the midst of summer. Ouch!
A great place to read a book when you have a few minutes to spare, even when your in the dark. If you also use a real kindle, it keeps your place no matter which device you are reading at the moment (phone / pad). Also no one knows how absorbed you are in your favorite book, because they think your just checking the weather channel.
We all need a little light once in a while. This APP is good for finding that lost item that fell under your desk at work. Just ignore the dust bunnies that hop on by.
Camera is always great for taking the family portrait or selfie, but one of the best uses is a pic to remind you of an item you would normally write down onto a sticky note or honey to do list. This is great for future reference. The last time a used this was for my favorite bread package. Trying to avoid buying that tasteless 7-grain again.
And for #10. You say “Wait Wait Dont Tell Me!” Well here it goes
A great place to catch up on local and national news, the Diane Rehm Show, Splendid Table, Car Talk, Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me!, Morning Addition, Science Friday and Fresh Air. Now you know my favorites.
I will share with everyone ‘anonymously’ the responses.