Its getting close to tile installation at a construction site in Phoenix, Arizona. A modern Gender Neutral Restroom is being constructed within a single story office complex in Phoenix, Arizona. The exterior of the 1970’s building reflects beige stucco, dark roof rafters and terra cotta accent tile. This renovation will be a huge transformation from a dark and outdated restroom experience to something more forward looking.
Ubiquitous Mirror Wall Replaced
During the design phase of the remodel we figured the tenants will come and go along with their individual corporate branding color palettes. The Restroom could be an updated version of the 1970’s color vibe and stay neutral for the future.
Small Mirrors Keep Hand Wash Experience Abbreviated
The ubiquitous mirror wall is replaced with 2″ x 2″ mirror squares randomly placed among clay tiles. The tiles are named “Zela” in 2″ x 6″ beige and terra cotta from Emser Tile in Phoenix, Arizona. Hopefully the small mirrors will keep hand wash experience abbreviated in this forward looking shared space. See above “Restroom Wall Tile Design” for layout of the 2″x2″ mirrors shown as black squares in the field of tile above the sink counter.
1970’s Orange Tile Modern Translation
After calculating existing restroom requirements with the City of Phoenix Building Codes and today’s movement of All Gender Restroom we made a big change by combining 4 small rooms into one room. The new Restroom will have 4 separate rooms that are sealed floor to ceiling, doors with threshold seals, and separate HVAC intakes. Each room will have a full length mirror. There will be one new entry door for all to use. We went with MS362 Standard Medium Stile by Arcadia Inc. with a bronze frame to let in light and a nod to the past.
The 2″ x 6″ clay tile mixed with random small mirrors will only be on the one wall in back of the sinks (the black metal piece is the sink support). The new accent wall in the middle of the double loaded private stalls will be painted terra cotta another nod to the 1970’s orange tile from outside.